Surging Industries to Invest In

Surging Industries to Invest In

There’s always a risk with investing. Investing is a perfect mix of knowledge and luck which can lead to a pretty hefty return. Sometimes things work out, other times they don’t. However, a responsible investor always has his eye on the market and knows what’s trending in the world today, and what is predicted to keep doing so.

The world is an ever-changing place. While most people used to look for stable nine-to-five jobs, today more and more are gravitating to freelancing. Once booming fields are being replaced by automation and people that were told that this or that career-path was a full-proof plan to permanent employment are left scratching their heads. The same holds for many industries. Some go by the wayside and are replaced with superior options, while others die out because the demand dries out.

It’s crucial to have a good grasp on what the next big thing will be and what’s looming in the shadows poised to take over. If you’re too busy to keep an open eye, we’ll help by providing a simple list below.

Surging Industries to Invest In

Online Casinos

Not only are these platforms doing great with annual industry revenues of close to $60 billion worldwide, but that number is projected to grow to $90 billion over the next four years. Since their introduction in the mid-90s, online casinos have never strayed from their upward trajectory.

They provide security, reliability, and an unmatched catalog of games. Many even cater to local customers by offering region-specific games. You can find online indian casinos for real money with games like Teen Patti and Rummy. If table and dice games aren’t your favorites, there are hundreds, even thousands of slots to choose from.


The combination of biology with aspects of engineering, chemistry, and computer science seems like an inevitable union for our times and the future. This is a field where the companies involved are at the forefront of the impending revolution in the healthcare industry.

A lot of the big pharmaceutical giants are buying out small biotech companies as a way to expand and keep up with the pace of innovation. However, clinical plans a good chunk of the time don’t come to fruition, and decisions from regulatory bodies greatly impact these stocks. But, it’s always good to be on the lookout for a startup that’s trying to do something new, as a small investment now could pay off big tomorrow.

Water Industry

This might surprise many, but as things stand right now, water is a terrific investment. If you’ve ever run across the name Michael James Burry, then you know that he’s the hedge-fund manager that first predicted the US mortgage crisis of 2008. Well, today, he’s investing in water.

Even though the liquid makes up 71% of the surface of our planet, the gap between accessible freshwater and all other types is striking. Food and agriculture take up 69% of our water resources and this is only bound to grow as we’re on course to hit a worldwide population number of almost 10 billion in 2050. Thus, many pundits predict a major water war in the future. It’s even more essential to human life than food, which makes it an extremely safe sector to invest in. This includes the transport, packaging, and treatment of water.

Surging Industries to Invest In

Artificial Intelligence

You’ve probably heard a lot about this one as well. And with spending of AI systems projected to grow by $60 billion in four years, it might be wise to get in on the action. Add to this the ongoing war between the US and China, the growth of cloud and 5G technology, and innovation is almost guaranteed.

There is no question that AI is creeping into all fields, boosting productivity, sales, customer service, and efficiency. You can apply it in virtually every industry. It can be used to drive your car and help you with basic tasks as your virtual assistant. It’s the next step in the evolution of our way of life.

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