CEO Braden Wallake Addresses Crying Layoffs Selfie Parodies On LinkedIn


Chief authorities and business proprietor Braden Wallake is now in the social media spotlight together with his now-viral, crying selfie after he claimed layoffs at the New York Post research agency.

Wallake acknowledged the viral image, but his real publish was mocked by LinkedIn prospects.

What has Wallake discussed? Let’s take an in-depth look.

CEO declares layoffs by posting a ‘crying selfie.

Braden Wallake is the chief authority of Ohio-based B2B promotion firm HyperSocial. He announced on LinkedIn that he had to lay off some employees.

Wallake shared a sad selfie on LinkedIn, which received more than 32,000 likes as well as 6,500 suggestions.

He wrote, “This will prove to be the most vulnerable thing that I’ll ever share.” “I have debated whether or not to post this. We had to let go of a few employees.”

Wallake said that the terminations were “my fault” due to a February selection he “made”.

He said, “I know my crew will say that we made that decision together, but I was the one who led us to it. These failures forced me to immediately do the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do.

“We have always been people-first.” We will continue to be.

LinkedIn reports that HyperSocial was founded in 2019 and has approximately 50 employees.

HITC reached out to Braden Waltlake for comment.

LinkedIn parody: CEO’s prank on LinkedIn

Wallake’s cry selfie was not a good idea. However, it got a lot of laughs on LinkedIn and other platforms.

Others, however, found this offensive and mocked the publication.

One person commented that “a bunch of very unfunny guys are trying to parody this post and are absolutely roasting theirself in the process.”

One said “You can engage with someone in discussion, disagree and even comment on their concern.” “But hatred and mockery do not make your actions better than the original post.”

Another tweet : “Maybe we all cut him some slack?” What if your worst error went viral? Would you not want the same?

Braden Wallake replies after publish goes viral

Braden Wallake addressed the viral crying selfie by publishing a different LinkedIn post.

“Hello everyone, yes, it’s me, the crying CEO. He explained that his intention was not to victimize or make it about me.

“I am sorry that it came across this way. It wasn’t my place to publicly name the employees. Now, I want to try to improve the situation and create a forum for people who are looking for work.

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