Sean Wainui’s net worth in 2023 is a thing people are seeking. We are updating Sean Wainui’s Net Worth for 2023. age, height and much more information on our site. Sean Wainui is a New Zealand union rugby player.
Sean Wainui Net Worth
Sean Wainui has been so famous and famous and. If you’re one of those who are looking in search of Sean Wainui Net Worth, then this is the data. According to the allfamousbirthday website, Sean Wainui net worth is estimated at $5 million.
Name | Sean Wainui |
Profession | New Zealand rugby union player |
Date of Birth | 23 October 1995 |
Age | 27 years old |
Height | 1.91 m |
Net Worth | $5 Million |
Who is Sean Wainui ?
Sean Wainui is known as Sean Wainui is a New Zealand rugby union player. Sean Wainui was born on 23 October , 1995. The majority of people are looking for information for Sean Wainui Net Worth. We have therefore updated the data. Many people would like to learn more about the life of their favorite famous people. In the same way, we now look up Sean Wainui Net Worth. What exactly is Sean Wainui Net Worth is something that can be found online. Let’s take a deep dive to find out more details.
Sean Wainui Age
Sean Wainui was born on 23 October , 1995. This means Sean Wainui is 27 years old. Sean Wainui is well-known as an New Zealand rugby union player. Many fans may be wondering how tall is Sean Wainui, well check the information below in the section. Keep an eye on us for updates on the latest developments.
Sean Wainui Height
Sean Wainui is a well-known New Zealand rugby union player born on the 23rd October 1995. Sean Wainui has earned a significant amount of money during his professional career. In terms of Sean Wainui height he was 1.91 meters tall and weighed at 102 kilograms. Details about Sean Wainui can be described in this article. So go through the whole article to find out more about Sean Wainui as well as more information.
Sean Wainui Net Worth – FAQ
Sean Wainui was a New Zealand rugby union player. Sean Wainui was born on 23 October, 1995. it was his 27th birthday (at the date when he died).
Sean Wainui was a New Zealand rugby union player with an estimated worth of $5 million. Sean Wainui was born on 23 October 1995.
Sean Wainui New Zealand rugby union player was 1.91 meters tall.
Sean Wainui was born on 23 October 1995. Sean Wainui was 27 years old (at the date at the time of his death).