Mt Rainier’s Volcano Isn’t Venting Or Erupting Regardless Of Viral Video


On 7 September, a frenzied kind of thing erupted on Twitter as users started asking whether Washington’s Mt Rainier volcano was venting or eruption.

Social media platforms are is flooded with posts, with users asking questions and making assertions regarding the authenticity of the volcano mountain. A lot of people are worried when the latest footage of Mount Rainier started to circulate on Twitter. mentions that the mountain is home to an active volcano that is intermittently active and is generally referred to as a stratovolcano. The volcano’s train started spherical around one million years earlier than today’s.

Contrary to Mount St. Helens, Washington’s Rainier located 59 miles to the east of Seattle isn’t believed as being explosive.

Mt Rainier’s volcano isn’t venting or erupting

Despite the claims and the panic in Twitter today, Mt Rainier isn’t venting or eruptions in 2022.

The United States Geological Survey put an end to speculations through Mount Rainier National park’s social media website. It seems that what many believed was the venting volcano was in fact a small cloud.

MountRainierNPS, on Twitter, posted, “Mount Rainier is not erupting. We have investigated the cloud that caused concerns from several webcams and determined that it’s a cloud that is lenticular. Furthermore to this, the USGS does not have any indications of seismic activity that is unusual.”

For the unused, lenticular cloud formations are lens-shaped stationary clouds that are found in the troposphere.

Furthermore, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network(PNSN) posted via Twitter: “Had there been an explosion, the seismic and infrasound network would have shown evidence for that, but there are no unusual signals.”

Twitter users joke about clouds that are too much of Mt Rainier

“Mount Rainier is crying? You can just create an account on Twitter and be less dramatic,” wrote a Twitter usersharing their humorous take on the issue.

“Mount Rainier has had clouds over its top throughout the year and everyone are saying that it’s venting. Then the news notices it and then reports on it, before doing research on it. Omg! It’s the size of a tornado! It’s actually the cloud of scud …” an additional user has noticed.

“Mount Rainier is not venting. It’s experiencing a brief emotional cloudiness” a third user joked.

Responding to Mount Rainier NPS’ tweet one person humorously tweeted: “This feels like something Mount Rainier would tweet if it definitely was erupting.”

“Always it’s nice to get in the morning in the morning to “Mount Rainier is NOT erupting in the morning! !” from a number of companies lol,” added another user..

When did Mt Rainier volcano last erupt? informs us of the fact that Mt Rainier is covered by 25 glaciers and snow at 14,411 feet above sea level. It’s had numerous untold eruptions in the past 500,000 years.

The site notes that the last eruption occurred in 1894 and 1895, but there have been small explosions on summits that were reported by people living in Seattle or Tacoma.

Lahars in the mountains refer to that mudflow or particles representing a greater threat than volcanic ash falls.

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