25 business ideas with low investment and high profit in India

25 business ideas with low investment and high profit in India

By reading the title you must be wondering that we are here with any kind of short cut scheme with lower investments but higher returns. But it is not so. We are here with the 25 true business ideas that are low on the investment side and high on the profit side. These business plans are going to lead to a brighter side of your life without investing a lump sum but with some smartness and intellect. Below we have listed the businesses for you:

Data Entry

Data Entry

This is one of the upcoming business ideas that you can undertake to give your income some extra boost. If you have a good amount of typing speed and the eyes of a hunter where you can spot any mistake easily then this kind of job is going to benefit you a lot. The benefit of this business is that its work hours are flexible. This means that you can work from anywhere and anytime as per your wish and there’s no one to rule upon you. Moreover, there’s a wide source of audience open in this sort of business which can be beneficial for you as well. Remember this a kind of business without any investment.

Insurance Agent

Insurance Agent

Being an insurance agent is one of the most interesting job as you get an opportunity to meet and know various kinds of people and try to understand the mindset of people. Selling an insurance can be much harder than selling away a car, bike, laptop or books as the customers are unable to touch and feel it but they can only trust you and your company depending upon the kind o influence that you can provide them. Its a profession where you don’t need any kind of higher qualifications just you need to hold the IRDA license. This is also flexible where you are your own boss. You just need to make your customers understand the need for insurance and that’s it.



 This is also one of the upcoming business ideas in India. The essential element of floriculture is knowledge of flowers and designs that can be done using those. Knowing about plants and flowers helps you to stock out some of the best and rarest plants and flowers for your customers. This a small business idea for men but also can be done by women as well. This small business idea can lead to huge profit and you can take this further with advertising. This advertisement for flowers can be best done over the internet and also over the leading estores.

Photo Studio

Photo Studio

This is one of the best business idea with low investment and high profit for men. But for this first, you need to own or to rent a space for your studio. That space must contain a storage room for your equipments and a room for photoshoot. You need to own nice curtains and if necessary you can also have some makeup accessories for customers in emergency which will help you to attract them more in number.

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Remember that you must put up with a competitive price for your customers to make them choose you rather than other studios. You must also try to advertise yourself to promote your business and choose a great name for your studio that is easy and attractive at the same time to be remembered.

Travel agency

Travel agency

You can start a business of travel agency where you can avail different facilities such as ticket booking, hotel booking, etc at a very competitive price. Moreover you can also provide your customers with attractive deals to attract more customers. You can build your own application or website for the convenience of the customers. This required medium investment but are with higher profits.

Homemade candles manufacturing

Homemade candles manufacturing

This is a kind of business idea for housewives where you can manage your home as well as put your efforts in manufacturing homemade candles during your leisure time. This is a home manufacturing business that you can easily do. Being a housewife you get a lot of leisure time and you also save some money from household expenses. So you can manage the small investment from there and start this sort of business.


This is another small scale business idea without investment where you can earn money if you know more than one language at the same time. It can be a great business idea for women as well as for men. It is a kind of job where you need to convert a speech in some language to some other language known to you. It can earn you some heavy profit as there is no investment.

Web designing

Web designing

If you know web designing or if you wish to learn web designing then it is a kind of computer business idea that you can adopt and start your business. Learning web designing is simple over the internet or going to any of the small coaching classes where web designing is taught. Once learned you can gain a huge profit from there and advertise yourself to earn more customers.

Tourist Guide

Tourist Guide

Being tourist guide is the most entertaining job that one can perform being slightly educated and knowing to speak and understand english clearly. Along with that you must know a historical or a tourist attracting place in a proper manner to make the tourist understand about the history and importance of the particular spot. It is a fun to do business with no investment but with higher profit.

Real estate agent

Real estate agent

Being a real estate agent in 2019 is one of the most lucrative business idea for men. This kind of business yield huge profit with no sort of qualifications required but you need to know the real estate and plan accordingly your sales. A real estate agent like every other agent must be influencing enough and must provide offers to move on along with the competition.

Youtube Channel

Youtube Channel

One of the upcoming business ideas in India is of course the idea of opening a youtube channel and start monetizing it. But it’s not so easy. So you need to make a video on a particular niche to target a particular set of audience where the competition is much lesser that the other fields. One you keep on staying motivated you will keep on progressing.

 Online Bakery

This is one of the biggest food manufacturing business idea that you can adopt to start a business of this sort of your own. Food business is a type of business which is in the demand if the quality that you are providing is extraordinary but at a reasonable price as well. So if you are a food enthusiast then you must try it.

Online fitness trainer

Online fitness trainer

Fitness being one of the biggest problem in India can be a great source of business if you have knowledge in the field of fitness. You can train people online without providing individual focus on a particular client but managing various clients simultaneously with individual focus as well. You can provide them with workout plan and the proper diet plan according to their body type and let them grow in fit amd you rich.

Furniture manufacturing

If you know carpentry and if you want to excel yourself in wood work then you must try furniture manufacturing. This is a new manufacturing business idea with medium investment but this can yield huge profit through your passion and hardwork. So you must try it.

Homemade chocolates

This is another kind of homemade food manufacturing business that you can try if you have the basic knowledge of chocolate manufacting and if you have the passion of making food the best delicacies in the area around you.

Cooking classes

It is a small business idea for women where if they believe themselves to be the best cook then they can start their online cooking classes through the help of social media or youtube and can attract great food enthusiasts from around the globe to deal with.


One of the upcoming business ideas in India is blogging where you can write articles on a particular niche to attract a particular set of audience and make them read your article with great interest and also to gain information. A good SEO can help you to attract audience even more.

Freelance writer

You can work for other’s blog as well if you are a great writer and want to invest your time in writing rather than managing several websites. You can start as a freelance writer and work in flexible hours as per your wish.

Car accessories manufacturing

This is another sort of manufacturing business idea with medium investment but higher returns. In this business you can manufacture certain car and bike accessories needed by daily commuters or for car and bike enthusiasts and gain huge profit from them.

Stock forex trading

This is a sort of trading option where you can trade in the forex market. Forex market is either a virtual or physical space where couples are marketed which means two currencies one being the base and the other transaction. The best way to speculate online currencies is to take help from the forex broker or from the online mediator. You can sale orders from home in this business.

Fruit juice shop

Many people in India prefer freshly squeezed juice along the roadside soaps to give them a boost in every season according to the variety of fruit available in the market in different season and different mood. So this could be the food manufacturing business that you were looking for.


Tailoring in India is one of the fastest growing business as fashion is getting more and more required by this current generation. So opening a tailoring shop or hiring a space for it is very appreciative and can also attract customers if well advertised.

Mobile repairing

India is the second largest electronics market in the world along with being the second largest also in the field of mobile phones. So visualise of the market of mobile repairing. Yes mobile repairing can be a very profitable business as you can earn huge profits by repairing mobiles as the components nowadays are very costly and so you must take part in the competition as well.

Beauty salon

As said earlier fashion and beauty consciousness is very much in India specially for the young generation. So opening a beauty salon with best treatments for beauty and styling but for a very reasonable cost can be very helpful as you will only require skills and some basic knowledge for styling. That’s it.

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