Risk Factors For Restless Legs Syndrome


Risk Factors For Restless Legs Syndrome, #Risk #Factors #Restless #Legs #Syndrome, This is the most recent breaking data and trending broadcast that we now have now for you at current: :

The restless legs syndrome (RLS) or “burdened legs syndrome” is a sensory neurological disorder that causes an uncontrollable urge for the legs to move when they are at their leisure.

Although it is not a common occurrence, the urge to move your legs can often be accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. Although it is less common, still possible, to feel RLS symptoms in the arms, face and greater physique, as well as the genital region, is also possible.

Healthline states that RLS symptoms can occur at any time there is inactivity, and they are temporarily relieved by movement or stress. RLS symptoms can be further aggravated at night and in the morning, which may cause severe disruption to sleep and daily life.

RLS affects approximately 10% of adults in the west. Research suggests that RLS could be misdiagnosed as insomnia, neurological, muscular, or orthopedic problems, or a form of sleeplessness. RLS could be confused with melancholy.

Some points may increase your risk of developing the burdened leg syndrome. They include;

. Gender

. Age

Family historical prior

. Pregnancy

RLS may be caused by chronic illnesses such as diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and kidney disease.

. Medications.

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