What does GMFU mean in text message?

GMFU stands for "Got Me Fucked Up" and is a commonly used acronym in text messages and social media to express frustration or disbelief towards a situation or individual.


GMFU is an acronym used in texting and social media that stands for “Got Me Fucked Up.” It is often used to express disbelief, frustration, or annoyance in a situation or towards a person. While it can be considered vulgar or offensive by some, it has become a popular slang term among younger generations.

What does GMFU mean in text message?

The origins of GMFU are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and gained popularity through hip-hop and rap music. It has since spread to mainstream culture and is commonly used on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

It’s important to note that using GMFU or other slang terms in professional settings or with people who may find it offensive can be inappropriate and potentially harmful. It’s always best to use discretion and be mindful of your audience when using slang terms.


In conclusion, GMFU is a slang term that stands for “Got Me Fucked Up” and is commonly used in texting and social media. While it has gained popularity among younger generations, it’s important to use discretion and be mindful of your audience when using slang terms.

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