The 10 food items that contain the highest levels of vitamin C

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As we continue to strive to be fit, vitamin C–a vital nutritional component for healthy immune systems as well as body tissue maintenance and many other advantages–should be a part of your daily diet. In fact, it’s advised women take in 70 milligrams of Vitamin C every day , or 95 mg for men. We’ve all heard of the most obvious food sources for this powerful antioxidant however, some foods are rich in vitamin C while some might be surprising just by making it onto this list. Here are 20 of the most vitamin C-rich foods.

Acerola cherries

It’s possible that you don’t see the acerola cherry, also called Barbados cherries West Indian cherries, or wild crepe myrtles very often, but they’re definitely worth having on this list because of their staggeringly high levels vitamin C.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers don’t all made equal. They’re all stuffed with vitamin C but with drastically different amounts according to the colour. Green peppers contain about 95 mg per, red peppers are 150 mg, while yellow peppers are the clear contender for top spot with 341 mg.


Just half a cup of blackcurrants that clocks around at 101 milligrams of Vitamin C to satisfy and even over your daily intake.


A cup of broccoli cooked contains more than 100 mg vitamin C. This is more than and is higher than the daily requirements for women and men.

Brussels sprouts

Like broccoli, we disliked Brussels sprouts when we were kids. Today, we think both are fantastic, and like our my mom used to say they’re both great for you.


Cantaloupe is sometimes discarded as a filler for fruit salads. However, it is delicious and actually extremely healthy for you. A cup of chopped or balled cantaloupe has around 65mg of vitamin C which is the majority of what you require for the entire day. It also meets the daily requirements for vitamin A and contains potassium as well!


A cup of cauliflower can provide over 50mg of Vitamin C. It is also logical for people to be using cauliflower to make everything from pizza crust to rice.

Chili peppers

Hot red chilies aren’t only an appealing ingredient for Mexican food , but they’re also a good food source for vitamin C. Green chili peppers contain an even higher amount of vitamin C, a staggering 110 mg per pepper as in comparison to red’s 65 mg.


Guava is an authentic superfood that is loaded with antioxidants and iron, copper manganese, potassium, as well as vitamins C and A. It’s more than one vitamin C molecule–one Guava has 100 mg! !

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