Taiwanese Official Warns Of Doable Invasion As China Ramps Up Army Exercise


Taiwanese official warns of doable invasion as China ramps up army exercise, #Taiwanese #official #warns #invasion #China #ramps #army #exercise, This is the newest breaking data and trending broadcast that we’ve for you right now: :

James Lee, a chief Taiwanese diplomat, is based in the United States and warned that China wants to “potentially invade” the United States. He also stated that the United Nations has the potential for “potential invasion”. Lee promised that “we will never relinquish freedom.”

The Chinese army has increased its military actions in the waters around Taiwan as a response to Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, making Beijing closer to an invasion.

China fired missiles into the waters and sent fighter planes and navy boats around the globe. Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s foreign minister, stated that China’s increased army presence was part of its “playbook for invading Taiwan.”

In an interview with National Review, Wu, Taipei’s top diplomat in New York, confirmed Wu’s concerns. Wu called China’s army manoeuvres harmful, reckless and unjustifiable.

Pelosi is considering going to Taiwan on August 2. This was the latest spat. Pelosi’s decision to go to Taiwan was criticized by the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party. Further army drills started as she was leaving the island.

These drills, which were due to end on Sunday earlier, have been extended indefinitely and Beijing has expressed concern that Taiwan’s continued presence within the vicinity of the island will make it impossible for them and their companions to anticipate an invasion.

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